Donations & Investments

As of July, 2020


Thanks to the generosity of the Richmond community and the following major contributors, we are pleased to announce that we are half-way to our $1 million Phase 1 Goal to provide direct disbursements to Richmond Residents. Our longer-term goal of $10 million dollars will respond to the community during this crisis, plan for an equitable recovery, and reimagine and reinvent equitable systems for a thriving Richmond. A significant portion of this $10 million goal is envisioned to be distributed to individuals and households at risk of displacement and homelessness due to the financial impacts of COVID-19 through the establishment of a Rent Assistance Program.

Major Contributors

The California Endowment

Contra Costa Regional Health Foundation

East Brother Beer Company

SH Cowell Foundation

Hellman Foundation

The Richmond Mayor’s Community Fund

Richmond Community Foundation

RYSE Center

The San Francisco Foundation

Chevron Richmond

As well as over $10,000 from over 50 individual donors!

Phase 1 Direct Disbursements are making an early & critical difference for Richmond residents. Many residents have used this money to pay for rent, utilities, groceries, and transportation due to unemployment or decreased hours. Help us reach our $1 million Phase 1 goal today.


“I was able to save the stimulus check that I received but, I am now finally having to pull from it. Therefore, it won’t cover my rent due on August 1st. This $500 will cover the difference.”

— Richmond Resident

Thank you for considering me and trying to take care of the folks of Richmond. I have been laid off for the Summer due to Covid and I found out my hours are cut this fall due to funding. This will help out so much!”

— Richmond Resident

R3F Direct Disbursement Partners

We are putting these donations to work rapidly toward our Phase 1 response focused on rapid relief through direct disbursement. We are making grants to community-based organizations that are working on the front lines of this crisis as direct disbursement partners, and serving our most vulnerable community members. Direct Disbursement Partners Include:

Aspire Cal Prep

Bright Futures Growth & Development Center

Building Blocks for Kids (BBK)

Contra Costa Family Justice Center

Community Violence Solutions

East Bay Center for the Performing Arts

Families Unidas!

Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP)

Healing Circles of Hope

Healthy Richmond 

Rivet School

SparkPoint Contra Costa